All Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys 's Paintings
The Painting Names Are Sorted From A to Z

Choice ID Image  Paintings (From A to Z)       Details 
25987 A Panoramic View of Hunworth (mk46)  A Panoramic View of Hunworth (mk46)   c.180 Watercolour 26.7x41.9cm
75730 Mary Magdalene  Mary Magdalene   Mary Magdalene, Oil on wood panel, Samuel and Mary R. Bancroft Memorial (Delaware Art Museum) cjr
77504 Mary Magdalene  Mary Magdalene   Oil on wood panel, Samuel and Mary R. Bancroft Memorial (Delaware Art Museum) Deutsch: Maria Magdalena, Öl auf Holz, Samuel and Mary R. Bancroft Memorial (Delaware Art Museum) Date c. 1858-60 cyf
31390 Morgan Le Fay (Queen of Avalon)  Morgan Le Fay (Queen of Avalon)   1864, oil on canvas.

Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys
1829-1904 English painter, illustrator and draughtsman. He was the son of Anthony Sands (1804-83), a minor local artist. He began his artistic education with his father and attended the Norwich School of Design from 1846. His precocious talent was recognized by the award of silver medals by the Society of Arts in 1846 and 1847. He moved to London in 1851, when he first exhibited at the Royal Academy, but he continued to spend time at Norwich until the death of his parents in 1883. After publishing in 1857 A Nightmare, a gentle caricature of John Ruskin and his Pre-Raphaelite prot?g?s William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais and Dante Gabriel Rossetti and based on Millais's Sir Isumbras at the Ford (Port Sunlight, Lady Lever A.G.), he met Rossetti and became a member of his circle.

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